// jquery.event.move // // 1.3.6 // // Stephen Band // // Triggers 'movestart', 'move' and 'moveend' events after // mousemoves following a mousedown cross a distance threshold, // similar to the native 'dragstart', 'drag' and 'dragend' events. // Move events are throttled to animation frames. Move event objects // have the properties: // // pageX: // pageY: Page coordinates of pointer. // startX: // startY: Page coordinates of pointer at movestart. // distX: // distY: Distance the pointer has moved since movestart. // deltaX: // deltaY: Distance the finger has moved since last event. // velocityX: // velocityY: Average velocity over last few events. (function (module) { if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { // AMD. Register as an anonymous module. define(['jquery'], module); } else { // Browser globals module(jQuery); } })(function(jQuery, undefined){ var // Number of pixels a pressed pointer travels before movestart // event is fired. threshold = 6, add = jQuery.event.add, remove = jQuery.event.remove, // Just sugar, so we can have arguments in the same order as // add and remove. trigger = function(node, type, data) { jQuery.event.trigger(type, data, node); }, // Shim for requestAnimationFrame, falling back to timer. See: // see http://paulirish.com/2011/requestanimationframe-for-smart-animating/ requestFrame = (function(){ return ( window.requestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || window.oRequestAnimationFrame || window.msRequestAnimationFrame || function(fn, element){ return window.setTimeout(function(){ fn(); }, 25); } ); })(), ignoreTags = { textarea: true, input: true, select: true, button: true }, mouseevents = { move: 'mousemove', cancel: 'mouseup dragstart', end: 'mouseup' }, touchevents = { move: 'touchmove', cancel: 'touchend', end: 'touchend' }; // Constructors function Timer(fn){ var callback = fn, active = false, running = false; function trigger(time) { if (active){ callback(); requestFrame(trigger); running = true; active = false; } else { running = false; } } this.kick = function(fn) { active = true; if (!running) { trigger(); } }; this.end = function(fn) { var cb = callback; if (!fn) { return; } // If the timer is not running, simply call the end callback. if (!running) { fn(); } // If the timer is running, and has been kicked lately, then // queue up the current callback and the end callback, otherwise // just the end callback. else { callback = active ? function(){ cb(); fn(); } : fn ; active = true; } }; } // Functions function returnTrue() { return true; } function returnFalse() { return false; } function preventDefault(e) { e.preventDefault(); } function preventIgnoreTags(e) { // Don't prevent interaction with form elements. if (ignoreTags[ e.target.tagName.toLowerCase() ]) { return; } e.preventDefault(); } function isLeftButton(e) { // Ignore mousedowns on any button other than the left (or primary) // mouse button, or when a modifier key is pressed. return (e.which === 1 && !e.ctrlKey && !e.altKey); } function identifiedTouch(touchList, id) { var i, l; if (touchList.identifiedTouch) { return touchList.identifiedTouch(id); } // touchList.identifiedTouch() does not exist in // webkit yet�� we must do the search ourselves... i = -1; l = touchList.length; while (++i < l) { if (touchList[i].identifier === id) { return touchList[i]; } } } function changedTouch(e, event) { var touch = identifiedTouch(e.changedTouches, event.identifier); // This isn't the touch you're looking for. if (!touch) { return; } // Chrome Android (at least) includes touches that have not // changed in e.changedTouches. That's a bit annoying. Check // that this touch has changed. if (touch.pageX === event.pageX && touch.pageY === event.pageY) { return; } return touch; } // Handlers that decide when the first movestart is triggered function mousedown(e){ var data; if (!isLeftButton(e)) { return; } data = { target: e.target, startX: e.pageX, startY: e.pageY, timeStamp: e.timeStamp }; add(document, mouseevents.move, mousemove, data); add(document, mouseevents.cancel, mouseend, data); } function mousemove(e){ var data = e.data; checkThreshold(e, data, e, removeMouse); } function mouseend(e) { removeMouse(); } function removeMouse() { remove(document, mouseevents.move, mousemove); remove(document, mouseevents.cancel, mouseend); } function touchstart(e) { var touch, template; // Don't get in the way of interaction with form elements. if (ignoreTags[ e.target.tagName.toLowerCase() ]) { return; } touch = e.changedTouches[0]; // iOS live updates the touch objects whereas Android gives us copies. // That means we can't trust the touchstart object to stay the same, // so we must copy the data. This object acts as a template for // movestart, move and moveend event objects. template = { target: touch.target, startX: touch.pageX, startY: touch.pageY, timeStamp: e.timeStamp, identifier: touch.identifier }; // Use the touch identifier as a namespace, so that we can later // remove handlers pertaining only to this touch. add(document, touchevents.move + '.' + touch.identifier, touchmove, template); add(document, touchevents.cancel + '.' + touch.identifier, touchend, template); } function touchmove(e){ var data = e.data, touch = changedTouch(e, data); if (!touch) { return; } checkThreshold(e, data, touch, removeTouch); } function touchend(e) { var template = e.data, touch = identifiedTouch(e.changedTouches, template.identifier); if (!touch) { return; } removeTouch(template.identifier); } function removeTouch(identifier) { remove(document, '.' + identifier, touchmove); remove(document, '.' + identifier, touchend); } // Logic for deciding when to trigger a movestart. function checkThreshold(e, template, touch, fn) { var distX = touch.pageX - template.startX, distY = touch.pageY - template.startY; // Do nothing if the threshold has not been crossed. if ((distX * distX) + (distY * distY) < (threshold * threshold)) { return; } triggerStart(e, template, touch, distX, distY, fn); } function handled() { // this._handled should return false once, and after return true. this._handled = returnTrue; return false; } function flagAsHandled(e) { e._handled(); } function triggerStart(e, template, touch, distX, distY, fn) { var node = template.target, touches, time; touches = e.targetTouches; time = e.timeStamp - template.timeStamp; // Create a movestart object with some special properties that // are passed only to the movestart handlers. template.type = 'movestart'; template.distX = distX; template.distY = distY; template.deltaX = distX; template.deltaY = distY; template.pageX = touch.pageX; template.pageY = touch.pageY; template.velocityX = distX / time; template.velocityY = distY / time; template.targetTouches = touches; template.finger = touches ? touches.length : 1 ; // The _handled method is fired to tell the default movestart // handler that one of the move events is bound. template._handled = handled; // Pass the touchmove event so it can be prevented if or when // movestart is handled. template._preventTouchmoveDefault = function() { e.preventDefault(); }; // Trigger the movestart event. trigger(template.target, template); // Unbind handlers that tracked the touch or mouse up till now. fn(template.identifier); } // Handlers that control what happens following a movestart function activeMousemove(e) { var timer = e.data.timer; e.data.touch = e; e.data.timeStamp = e.timeStamp; timer.kick(); } function activeMouseend(e) { var event = e.data.event, timer = e.data.timer; removeActiveMouse(); endEvent(event, timer, function() { // Unbind the click suppressor, waiting until after mouseup // has been handled. setTimeout(function(){ remove(event.target, 'click', returnFalse); }, 0); }); } function removeActiveMouse(event) { remove(document, mouseevents.move, activeMousemove); remove(document, mouseevents.end, activeMouseend); } function activeTouchmove(e) { var event = e.data.event, timer = e.data.timer, touch = changedTouch(e, event); if (!touch) { return; } // Stop the interface from gesturing e.preventDefault(); event.targetTouches = e.targetTouches; e.data.touch = touch; e.data.timeStamp = e.timeStamp; timer.kick(); } function activeTouchend(e) { var event = e.data.event, timer = e.data.timer, touch = identifiedTouch(e.changedTouches, event.identifier); // This isn't the touch you're looking for. if (!touch) { return; } removeActiveTouch(event); endEvent(event, timer); } function removeActiveTouch(event) { remove(document, '.' + event.identifier, activeTouchmove); remove(document, '.' + event.identifier, activeTouchend); } // Logic for triggering move and moveend events function updateEvent(event, touch, timeStamp, timer) { var time = timeStamp - event.timeStamp; event.type = 'move'; event.distX = touch.pageX - event.startX; event.distY = touch.pageY - event.startY; event.deltaX = touch.pageX - event.pageX; event.deltaY = touch.pageY - event.pageY; // Average the velocity of the last few events using a decay // curve to even out spurious jumps in values. event.velocityX = 0.3 * event.velocityX + 0.7 * event.deltaX / time; event.velocityY = 0.3 * event.velocityY + 0.7 * event.deltaY / time; event.pageX = touch.pageX; event.pageY = touch.pageY; } function endEvent(event, timer, fn) { timer.end(function(){ event.type = 'moveend'; trigger(event.target, event); return fn && fn(); }); } // jQuery special event definition function setup(data, namespaces, eventHandle) { // Stop the node from being dragged //add(this, 'dragstart.move drag.move', preventDefault); // Prevent text selection and touch interface scrolling //add(this, 'mousedown.move', preventIgnoreTags); // Tell movestart default handler that we've handled this add(this, 'movestart.move', flagAsHandled); // Don't bind to the DOM. For speed. return true; } function teardown(namespaces) { remove(this, 'dragstart drag', preventDefault); remove(this, 'mousedown touchstart', preventIgnoreTags); remove(this, 'movestart', flagAsHandled); // Don't bind to the DOM. For speed. return true; } function addMethod(handleObj) { // We're not interested in preventing defaults for handlers that // come from internal move or moveend bindings if (handleObj.namespace === "move" || handleObj.namespace === "moveend") { return; } // Stop the node from being dragged add(this, 'dragstart.' + handleObj.guid + ' drag.' + handleObj.guid, preventDefault, undefined, handleObj.selector); // Prevent text selection and touch interface scrolling add(this, 'mousedown.' + handleObj.guid, preventIgnoreTags, undefined, handleObj.selector); } function removeMethod(handleObj) { if (handleObj.namespace === "move" || handleObj.namespace === "moveend") { return; } remove(this, 'dragstart.' + handleObj.guid + ' drag.' + handleObj.guid); remove(this, 'mousedown.' + handleObj.guid); } jQuery.event.special.movestart = { setup: setup, teardown: teardown, add: addMethod, remove: removeMethod, _default: function(e) { var event, data; // If no move events were bound to any ancestors of this // target, high tail it out of here. if (!e._handled()) { return; } function update(time) { updateEvent(event, data.touch, data.timeStamp); trigger(e.target, event); } event = { target: e.target, startX: e.startX, startY: e.startY, pageX: e.pageX, pageY: e.pageY, distX: e.distX, distY: e.distY, deltaX: e.deltaX, deltaY: e.deltaY, velocityX: e.velocityX, velocityY: e.velocityY, timeStamp: e.timeStamp, identifier: e.identifier, targetTouches: e.targetTouches, finger: e.finger }; data = { event: event, timer: new Timer(update), touch: undefined, timeStamp: undefined }; if (e.identifier === undefined) { // We're dealing with a mouse // Stop clicks from propagating during a move add(e.target, 'click', returnFalse); add(document, mouseevents.move, activeMousemove, data); add(document, mouseevents.end, activeMouseend, data); } else { // We're dealing with a touch. Stop touchmove doing // anything defaulty. e._preventTouchmoveDefault(); add(document, touchevents.move + '.' + e.identifier, activeTouchmove, data); add(document, touchevents.end + '.' + e.identifier, activeTouchend, data); } } }; jQuery.event.special.move = { setup: function() { // Bind a noop to movestart. Why? It's the movestart // setup that decides whether other move events are fired. add(this, 'movestart.move', jQuery.noop); }, teardown: function() { remove(this, 'movestart.move', jQuery.noop); } }; jQuery.event.special.moveend = { setup: function() { // Bind a noop to movestart. Why? It's the movestart // setup that decides whether other move events are fired. add(this, 'movestart.moveend', jQuery.noop); }, teardown: function() { remove(this, 'movestart.moveend', jQuery.noop); } }; add(document, 'mousedown.move', mousedown); add(document, 'touchstart.move', touchstart); // Make jQuery copy touch event properties over to the jQuery event // object, if they are not already listed. But only do the ones we // really need. IE7/8 do not have Array#indexOf(), but nor do they // have touch events, so let's assume we can ignore them. if (typeof Array.prototype.indexOf === 'function') { (function(jQuery, undefined){ var props = ["changedTouches", "targetTouches"], l = props.length; while (l--) { if (jQuery.event.props.indexOf(props[l]) === -1) { jQuery.event.props.push(props[l]); } } })(jQuery); }; });